Spring is right around the corner. (Yay!) Warm weather is something to look forward to. Everyone is getting ready for the yearly ‘spring cleaning’. Something you may not think to clean – or is at risk to be overlooked – is your insurance. Are you properly insured? Have you checked all possible winter damages? Are you ready for the possible hazards spring can bring? Wait – spring can bring hazards? Yes, it can. Keep reading to make sure you are covered for some of these possibilities.
Winter Damages
Winter may be over soon, but the damage may have already been done. If you got hail this winter, make sure you check not only your car, but your property as well. This includes your windows, siding and roof shingles. Hail can do a lot of damage – so you want to make sure you are covered for it.
Potholes get worse and worse every year until they are finally fixed. They get worse every year because of winter. The snow and ice get into cracks, freeze (expanding the pavement around it) and then melt. Once everything is melted there are loose pieces of pavement – hence creating a bigger pothole. You don’t need pothole insurance, you need good auto insurance.
Making sure you car is ready for the harsh roads is something you may not think about. Having good car insurance prepares you for the possible damage potholes may cause on your car.
If you are a homeowner you want to make sure your driveway is covered. It can be an easy thing to miss, but the same thing can happen to your driveway that happens with potholes. Make sure you have good homeowners insurance to cover any terrible cracks the winter might bring. Talk to your agent to discuss how to prepare for winter hazards.
Spring Hazards
April showers bring May flowers. Though we are not in April yet, it is always good to be prepared. The saying is very true – April does tend to have a lot of rain showers. When too much rain is accumulated, what happens? Flood! Not good – and sometimes dangerous. You want to make sure you are protected, especially if your area is prone to floods. Having good flood insurance can really help with possible damages due to flooding.
You may have decided to add some trees or bushes to your property. Just make sure they aren’t a liability come winter. Strong snowstorms with high winds can easily knock down a limb or tree. Make your have a good homeowner’s insurance plan in case your home gets damaged. Insurance can’t cover flattened bushes, but it can help with any misfortune to your home.
Make sure you are prepared for what the Spring has to bring for after what winter brought. From all of us at Keystone-Deibler, Straub & Troutman Insurance, we would like to wish you a Happy Spring!