Although March is approaching, snow shoveling season hasn’t stopped just yet! None of us particularly like shoveling snow, but there are more dangers to it than just body aches and exhaustion. You may not be aware of it, but snow shoveling is a known trigger for heart attacks.
After several months of doing little to no exercise, picking up a shovel and moving hundreds of pounds of snow can have a huge effect on your heart. If you add in having to push a large snowblower and on top of that the cold weather, the risk of a heart attack can become very high. Cold weather can increase blood pressure, slow blood flow to a part of the heart and increase the risk of blood clots. When all of these things work together, the heart's work increases and can trigger a potentially fatal heart attack
Individuals who are at risk of a heart attack during cold outdoor activities include:
Those who have had a prior heart attack
Those with known heart disease
Those with high blood pressure or high cholesterol
Those who smoke
Those who don’t partake in much physical activity
Tips for Protecting Your Heart
Before You Shovel Snow:
Discuss with your doctor to decide if it is a good idea for you to shovel snow.
Most heart attacks occur early in the morning, which is when blood is more prone to clotting. You should wait 30 minutes after you wake up, to give your body time to warm up.
You can also help your body to warm up by walking or marching in place for a few minutes before shoveling.
Drinking coffee and smoking are both stimulants, which can elevate your blood pressure and heart rate. Avoid doing these things before and after shoveling.
While Shoveling Snow:
Use a small shovel: this way you can shovel many small loads instead of fewer heavy ones.
Begin slowly and take 15-minute breaks.
Drink plenty of water
Dress in layers
Make sure your head, neck, and mouth are covered
Call 911 if you experience any of the warning signs of a heart attack such as, lightheadedness, dizziness, being short of breath, or if you have tightness or burning in chest, neck, arms or back.
Here at Keystone-Deibler Straub & Troutman, we want to make sure that you remain safe in the cold weather! Please follow our tips to protecting your heart when shoveling snow this winter.
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